Monday, June 16, 2008


every year it's the same thing; nxne (north by north east) comes to town, i never get the time off, then it happens and i glue myself to a radio for the three to four days of it and pout and wish i was there. this year was no different of course =). the line up was quite exciting and there were many bands that i wish i could have seen and made more of an opinion of. on the top of my list was spiral beach, a cute little catchy band. of course moneen was there as well and played at the el macombo. i've always preferred their earlier material but listening to their coverage from nxne i heard some of the new new new stuff that they were show casing at their nxne show and i'm super excited to check out the album when it comes out, which won't be for a while yet. also, local barrie/alcona heroes, fox jaws had a set and from what i've heard from friends and blogs and what not, it went very well. hopefully this gets them more public exposure. im pouty, and i wish i went. here is the video for 'made of stone' by spiral beach. cheers!

1 comment:

  1. this year was my first time going to nxne, it was awesome. every night we saw at least 3 or 4 bands and it wasn't actually all as tiring as i thought it would be. it was pretty neat, definitely found a few new bands and saw some i'd already seen. you should book it off waaaaaaaaay in advance next year, douchey mcdouche.

    btw, it's jessica. i'm going to add you as a friend on my blog :) but it's a secret, you're the only person who will know about it.

    also, i can't believe you're going canoeing hahahahahaha you're such a woman, how will you survive? i'll pray for you johnny boy.
